Today, I got to be photographer for an event organised by my alma mater, TK Band - the Irene Joseph Memorial. She was the founder of TK Band.
This tribute video was done by my talented senior, Sijia. Obviously my emotional self cried when it was screened at the event. But a photographer's gotta do what a photographer's gotta do. So I hid my face behind my camera and scanned for faces in the audience to shoot anyway.
It's amazing how through the lenses, I was able to see a myriad of emotions that I may or may not have been able to capture properly, but the one thing that everyone had in common was gratitude.
It's not easy to say goodbye, and it is even more difficult when it is someone who has touched so many lives.
I never had the pleasure of being taught by her, but I have heard nothing but nice things about Miss Joseph. It is amazing to think about how this strong woman managed to form a band from students who didn't have any experience, to slowly progress and eventually win the Mace of Honor, to what TK Band is today. She devoted such a huge part of her life to nurturing students and making music, it's incredible.
Prior to typing this, I spent a night and a day with people who I would never have met if Miss Joseph never did what she did.

Without Miss Joseph,
I wouldn't have met these amazing people.
I wouldn't have known how it's like for so many people to come together and work hard for one goal.
I wouldn't have been able to taste success.
I wouldn't have been able to grow stronger from defeat.
I wouldn't have had the honour to be a part of this legacy you left behind.
I wouldn't be who I am today.
Fate is indeed a funny thing. It's funny because you'd never think that a person who you have never talked to before could have such an impact on your life indirectly.
Thank you, Miss Joseph, for being such an inspiration to so many of us, and I hope the music that you love follows you wherever you go.