Yeah man BLG Concert rocks ttm man! My first time going for a concert like this. Apparently the friends who went with me were all first-timers too! Cool! Wooooo I screamed la like duh. But not as much as those really crazy crazy fan girls around me. Took vids but the sound is damn sucky cuz of the booming bass. Too loud already! But I took alot of nice pics of Paul and Martin :D I think 95% of the photos were on them HAHA. Cuz alot of ppl like Martin so must take for them but I like Paul so...Nyehehehehe.
Ohya I GOT PAUL'S GUITARPICK OMFG!! My fave member somemore.
*regains composure* And no, Jean and Rach, I wasn't crawling on the ground to find the pick.
Okay anyway, it was free standing, so it was a mosh pit, a nice carpeted one. Everyone around me kept falling down due to pushing by faggots which was like ._. But I didn't fall. Like duh. I'm strong woo! Took 5 vids. Will post them on Facebook/Youtube soon. I was just about to finish uploading the Love Drunk vid then the Internet disconnected. Imagine my anger OMFG.
I loved Two is Better Than One :) Such a nice romantic song heheh. Thunder was awesome too! The Great Escape, which was the closing/Encore song was also damn great! And during the closing, Martin stage dived! Well, kind of. They didn't crowd surf him tho. Damn sad cuz by that time I was already like at the 5th row or something! (I was at the 10th row initially). Then he went up on the stage again and stood on the speakers or smtg and OMG he was so bloody close. 3metres away? AHHH. Then after that they started throwing their belongings and water bottles and I got splashed with water from Martin's bottle HAHA. Damn cooling HAHA.
Oh and I bought a BLG shirt which is damn nice ^^ 35 bucks ._. Bloody ex. But worth it. Shall let the rest of the pics do the talking. Paul and Martin ftw! Okay I guess John and Bryan ftw too! :D
John. He's got some sick drumming skills. :)
Martin! Love his voice omg.
Paul!! My favourite member. So tall and slim omg. :-O
This pic damn nice. Lighting is damn cool.
My favourite pic of the day!
Me and Hakim!
Me and Terry! Finally he is willing to take a pic.
Me and Mar.
The toilet is nice.
First timers! BLG rocks!
Woohoo! I'm so going for the next one! LIKE DUH. Stef and Eudora must go also!! HAHA.
Okay gtg for band. Byebye :)
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