I think I spent alot on MRT fare today ._. When to SCAPE but couldn't get SL's new guitar there and omg Cineleisure's top floor was packed with JJ Lin fans cuz it was his shop's opening! Saw Quan Yifeng and Dasmond Koh too. They were scouting for people to join 才华横溢出新秀 I think.
Anyway, went to get followed the Ang-sty boy to Peninsula Plaza where I was their witness for registering his and his second wife's marriage. At the same time, tried my Takamine guitar OMG I WANT IT SO MUCH. IT IS SO PRETTY! And its price is reasonable. S$265. HEHE. I love glossy guitars too and this one is! Tyler Ward, my favourite Youtube artiste uses something like that too! ^^

Uh huh, so after that went to eat awesome chicken rice at Dhoby Xchange (ohno I'm hungry again) and then, we went to play LAN! Left4Dead 2. FREAKING FUN. Awesome way to destress I seriously don't mind playing again :D
Ohyea, SingFest is coming up and I really want to go for the Pop one (KATY PERRY, ORIANTHI, TOKIO HOTEL AHHHH) but the tickets are so freakin' expensive! >:O Darn it. Uh well, it is a sign to start saving money for the many many things that I wanna buy!
The person behind wants some photo space too.
Anyway, I'm like super hyped up for VTCDS! Hopefully, all of us can stay in the same apartment and then we will sneak out every night >:) and spam Pokemon and Digimon series! HAHAHA I'm getting high.
This weekend is gonna be hectic. There is TKBand Homecoming tomorrow and I think I'm performing? LOL WTHECK SIA. And on Sunday, we are going to the zoo to film!...Film a lion. ._. And after that we are so gonna make our money's worth! LOL.
And I hate the increase in bus concession prices. Tsk.
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