ARGH finally time for a proper post! I never expected the start of holidays to be so hectic already! Had training today and yesterday. And work starts tomorrow. Seriously, they'd better put us in F1 or I'm gonna go on a riot! >:/
Anyway, training wasn't so bad. Our trainer, Rynn, is really nice and she's always trying to make things more interesting for us. Besides that, we found our own entertainment too.

So I entertained myself by illustrating Rachel's infamous epic face on Paint on our training computer.

And she got entertained by plaiting my hair. LOL wtheck. I look like a freak. This is the closest to me being feminine :O
Okay. So from 03/09 to 04/09, I did the most stupid epic thing in my whole freaking life. I went to queue for K-Pop Night tickets (not for myself) and jostled with almost 3000 of the craziest fans in the world. The whole stretch outside of Somerset@313 was totally flooded. And seriously, fanboys are the scariest fans ever. They will stop at NOTHING to get good tickets for SNSD the concert.
ProofLabel, the organiser for the event totally flunked the entire thing, leaving fans distraught and really really angry. The queue for number tags was supposed to start at 9am on Saturday. But by Friday night there was already such a crowd 'queuing' outside that they totally made people start queuing at 12am. It was total bullcrap. The worst thing, we only got our number tags at around 3am. And so here was my reward for a bloody 4 hours of getting squashed and almost suffocating (cuz I was too short and I couldn't get fresh air FML).

Amazing, ain't it? Hey by the way I swear I was gonna faint. Come to think of it, I was light-headed during Boys Like Girls concert, and S.H.E's autograph session, too. But hey this is definitely way worse. I wasn't really angry at this, but when I knew that those like wayyyyyy behind me got a number in the hundreds, I was really pissed because apparently they gave out the really high numbers first. What the heck, right? Uh well, but under some circumstances which I am not gonna elaborate, all my K-Popper friends managed to get seats. (Oh, guess what, I'm going too! AHHH!)
Spent the rest of the night morning at our one and only, Clarke Quay! Went to Liang Court's MacDonalds with Rachel, Jonathan, Jacintha and two others (sorry I don't know their names :/ ) and just plonked our asses there until about 7+am. Seriously, I'd never thought I would see this horrid sight of Singapore, or even just the clubbing area. Caucasians sticking fries onto the window pane (WTF?!), people almost getting into fights, people getting wasted and puking on themselves and laying on the ground.
The most memorable part of the night would be a freaking tranny, who was definitely a middle aged man, with a square face, and also wrinkles all over. A failed tranny, seriously. When I saw her him while walking towards Macs, I was already freaking out. But at around 4.30am, he walked to MacDonalds and started seducing people through the glass panel separating the interior of Macs and the walkway outside. He freaking slammed the glass with his hand and leaned against the panel, while stroking his hair. AND GUESS WHICH LUCKY TABLE WAS JUST BESIDE THE GLASS PANEL. WAH FRONT ROW SEATS MAN. For me, it was worse than watching a horror movie, I mean, it's like something from The Exorcist (or whatever horror movie you can think of). I almost died, I swear. And Jon said I broke into spasms. Okay it wasn't spasms but I was definitely shivering. I mean, I was really traumatised, all right? :( But I felt better after a group of guys ran past and took off his wig HAHAHA. Seriously the whole Macs started laughing. Most epic shit of the day.
So we left Macs after sight-seeing of all the weird things of Clarke Quay and headed to Somerset@313 to meet the rest, including Stefanie and Deanna. We had to split into two days cuz of the vast difference in tag numbers. -.- Yup so Jac's friend helped us queue while the rest of us just studied for BMR sat down. Another life story to tell came when two Korean-American (?) women came and gave us Coffee Bean cakes and muffins. They said that 'Jesus loves us'. Yup okay I'm a freethinker but it feels good to be loved I guess. :)
After that, Stef and Rach got tricked into thinking that they didn't get tickets. LOL. Epic face moments.
And yes, I didn't sleep when I went home cuz one hour later I went out with my parents. I didn't sleep for 37 hours. EPIC WIN. But I was still hyper. I think I am mad.
Anyway, point is, I'm going to K-Pop Night with Rachel and gang and have great fun although the cost is really steep. Currently getting into the mood by listening to more K-Pop songs which is fun :) Deanna says I'm a K-Pop fan already. I am not, okay?
But I do love the 3 Taes - Taemin, Taeyeon and Taeyang. :) Brenda calls me a Tae-dict. LOL WHAT.
Rachel introduced me to desktop buddies. Was playing with them the night before exams. Distracting max. But really cute!

The whole of Big Bang! HAHA. I don't know why I didn't screencap all the SHINee members together.

Taemin really has to stop reproducing so fast. This was in barely five minutes. At the end of my study session I had a total of 12 Taes climbing all over my computer screen. Lol shit.
Studying had never been so fun with Rachel spazzing with me about MY idol. Hahahaha. Finally a conversation not about K-Pop. LOL I LOVE PAUL :D
Oh and now Stef is in Japan and she has left us all lonely souls behind. SIGH I'm starting to miss her already. Six days please pass by quickly!
Let my holidays be enjoyable please. I am NOT gonna spend more than one week in the call centre answering calls and pretending to be cheery when actually I'm about to explode.
Honestly I can't wait for 23rd Oct, too. Someone remind me to bring rope to tie Rachel to her chair. Thank you. :)
I think there is still more to update but I really can't remember now as my bro is massaging my head and it is damn shiok hahahahhaha.
안녕 everyone! 사랑해 :D