I totally hate it when I say "Good afternoon, Sistic. This is Michelle speaking. How may I assist you?"
And the person replies, "Is this Sistic?"
Okay anyway today was great cuz one woman called and asked for me to order tickets again cuz she liked my service from two days ago where I helped her book tickets. Life is good.
And I was the only idiot (out of my friends) working till 10pm. Five people in the call centre altogether is just sad. Resorted to Paint to relieve my boredom.
3 hours spent on these three awesome illustrations and picking up calls. My sad life. The last time I actually did a proper illustration on Paint was probably in Primary 3. I remember I used to love drawing mountains. Actually I was always good at drawing. No idea what happened to me. Perhaps I should express my thoughts through illustrations more. The only reason why I have Paint in my computer now is that I need somewhere to 'Ctrl+V' after I have screencapped something.
So today, I was asking Nava to draw out the first thing that comes to mind when she thinks of me. And this was what she drew:
Work today was fine I guess. At least I had Deanna's and Nava's company for the first 4 hours of my shift. My Saturday shift is 2pm to 10pm again. Sigh FML.
Monday was havoc as everyone called to ask about the K-Pop Night tickets, which unfortunately, were sold out in less than an hour! And on Tuesday, as I was randomly surfing through the system, a miracle happened:
OMFG SINGLE SEAT FOR $168 HAHAHA. Of course, this was to last for only a couple of minutes. Wonder who was the persistent person who sat in front of the computer refreshing the page every second. Congrats to him/her, I guess. Lucky person.
I'll just post some pics from the first day of work, too!
Spot the difference:
The standard guitar picks that I bring around with me wherever I go.
My favourite Ibanez pick! Besides Paul's of course.
Rachel's two favourite ones out of the ten.
Over-enthusiastic face I think.
A very attentive and sleepy Shao Liang.
White arms eew.
Unglam :/
Ugh, you know that you have no social life when you dedicate a whole post to your days at work. :(
On a lighter note, there is no work tomorrow! I'll sleep like a pig. Okay I'll probably wake up before 12pm sigh.
Ohyeah, did I mention? I spoke to a Spanish in Spanish on Facebook. :B The person I talked to went by the Facebook name of Sergio Asenjo, who is a Spanish goalkeeper. Not sure if that's his real account but who cares?! I CONVERSED IN SPANISH! with the help of a translator
'Te keiro' is the short form of 'Te quiero' (like our msn short forms) ._. Not much of difference, eh? HAHA the person said that to me. idafsuknlalajilmlfdsm SPANISHHH.
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