It's a french horn ring. Kinda heavy, but I'll live.
Anyway, there were many firsts for this year. I got my first birthday webcam from Rach, which was really cute hehe. Thank you for rushing home from helping your mum and forsaking your dinner lol. It was really cool. :)
I got my first birthday call from Stef. I heard some really unclear thing but I knew it was in the tune of Happy Birthday. :X LOL. I honestly did not know how to react! So pardon my less than enthusiastic responses lol. It was kinda unexpected hahaha I just kinda got stunned there. Love you lots!
Yup and time passed till 4plus am with me doing CCC reflection. Oh joy.
Anyway I was supposed to meet my Poly peepz at Potong Pasir but there was only Rach and Stef (turns out the rest were following too -.-). Anyway I was blindfolded and was brought to a freaking jamming studio. It was really neat hehehehe. Haha I totally went mad playing drums I think, but shit I had so much fun. So after about 3 hours of abusing it (Stef, Mel and Jean helped too), my drumsticks turned from this

to this.

Quite sad, don't you think? But somehow I like it this way. Looks rugged. I think I busted almost everyone's ears :X And even with the numerous complaints and threats to kill me if I didn't soften down, this unbelievably happened:
Anyway, I got my presents after jamming. I wasn't expecting that I'd get a bag and a teddy bear (yup that was one of things I didn't find out cuz I was spoiling my own surprises)

Then it was dinner at Marche which was really satisfying hehe. Chicken, chicken, cake. Wahaha. There was a video which was more funny then touching hahaha. But really I didn't expect a video like that and I know how awkward it is for some of you to talk to a camera. Loved Brenda's part. BRENDA Y U SO CUTE?! Anywayz, there was really awesome cake and un-awesome pictures of me cutting the cake cuz I was gracing the camera with my ultra-unglamness. :)
Yup, and so, at the end we chilled and that was the end. I didn't want it to end to be honest. Highlight of the day for me was when Stef said a particular sentence which totally tainted her pure image.
The only decent pic of me all day.
Nope I wasn't drunk.
Miss B!! (Stef's the lead dancer, Brenda's the leader, I'm the lead singer/rapper)
I like this pic idk why. :)
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