Monday, February 21, 2011

Someone's An Old Woman

Dear Lee Shu Ting Stefanie,
It has been quite a ride with you and now that you are slightly more legal than legal, maybe you’ll be able to hold your liquor better. Haha right no link. Moving on..
My dear fellow midget, rawr we’ve been called tiny too many times by giants who we both know. And honestly I always go ‘zzzz’ when you wear heels because I will be the shorter one. That’s not the point, though. Point is, we have gone through quite a lot of, I would say, pretty interesting and enjoyable days together:
-Getting overjoyed and excited in your house’s living room watching matches from the World Cup
-Doing projects (esp Audio Production work) together
-Going for concerts together but NEVER SITTING TOGETHER (three of them so far)
-Playing Left4Dead at an ungodly hour with you screaming and scaring the shit out of me
-Coaxing you to get your butt out of your house (triumphant music whenever you actually do that, even grander music plays when you get out of Pasir Ris)
-Getting violated by you all the time
-And of course much more instances that I wouldn’t be able to count even with 5 pairs of hands and feet
As you/I say in every message to each other, who would’ve thought that two people of totally different personalities could become so close? I never ever regretted this friendship though and I cherish it very much. After all, you are the first friend of less than two years who I actually opened up to. It usually takes much more than that. Hahahaha.
I once posted a quote – ‘Best friends are like two people in a relationship except without romantic attraction’. That’s exactly how I feel and I love you THIS MUCH. *imitates Yooguen*
Not to mention, you are the main cause of me becoming a fangirl for so many artistes that I can’t even count. Now not one day passes without me swooning over my ideal partner or just some handsome and cute face that pops out on my Tumblr dashboard (oh look, it’s a hot pic of Taemin. Reblog!) The only reason how I ever got to know Choi Minho and Onew even before I stepped into the dark side was because of you (and of course, with honourable mention, Rachel Chia).
That aside, I hope you stay awesome and please do continue living up to your Pisces star sign by fantasizing perpetually.
In all our lifetime, we forge many new friendships but only a handful of friendships last a lifetime. I hope that ours is one of those and remember, I still w­­ant to be your child’s godmother. Hah.
I love you, Stef!

Yours sincerely,

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