Freaking amazing I love them so much. Seeing them live on day will be one of the greatest days of my life.
Speaking of All Time Low, happy 23rd birthday to you Jack Barakat! :) Keep being crazy on stage you are awesome! I will never understand how you can jump around like that without tearing your skinnies.
I booked my tickets for Mayday Parade's gig in Singapore! I'm going with Wenhui and this makes it her first rock band concert (virgin concert stealer strikes again). There's another band performing too called Eyes Set to Kill which is fronted by a female and they are a rock/emo band. I hope my ears don't burst. I just wish the tickets were cheaper though. Mayday Parade in Indonesia's ticket prices are like, 10bucks.

The guy who has the lower voice has left the band but it hasn't affected the band much. They released another album Anywhere But Here which is a pretty solid album as well too. They also just released an EP (which I haven't listened to yet) and a third album's coming out soon too. I really wanna buy their CDs but the last time I checked HMV they were going for like 38bucks/42bucks. What the heck.
Oh yeah, do check out DJ Masa's K-Pop Till the world Ends Mashup for the first half of 2011!
If you click the 'CC' button you can see that Stef and I did the Chinese translations. Hahaha it's quite funny watching the video with the captions. It's an awesome mash-up although I would have liked it better if Infinite was inside. :P Oh I still prefer the mash-up he did for last year's second half though! Can't wait for the next one!~
And speaking of Chinese, happy 30th birthday to Ella Chen from S.H.E!
She was my very first idol for obvious reasons. She was the most charismatic member of S.H.E and I totally aspired to be like her. She can sing, dance, act, host, she has a great personality to match too. My colleague was telling me that when he interviewed them, she was the only one to turn back to bid them goodbye. I love how sincere she is to people around her, including fans. I went for two S.H.E autograph sessions and her handshakes are always the firmest, even though her arm was injured once. Major love for this girl!

Stay happy Ella Chen Jia Hua! :)
Round two of recording to finish our (Stef, Brenda and I) covers of Pinocchio and Mr. Taxi tomorrow. Hahaha I sound damn man in Mr. Taxi. MS B fighting!! ^^
Have a great weekend!
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