Awkward me in the front row.
I thought I was the 106th to perform but it turned out that the first to perform was number 100. So I kinda freaked out when I realised that I was 7th on the list, and since we went in three at a time, I was in the third batch LOL. But anyway, the judges decided to put me through to the final auditions and their only advice to me was to smile more. Haha! Must have been the nerves.
One of the judges, Eddy, pasted this sticker on my guitar LOL.
Awkward individual shot. For some reason this makes me look tall though.
So anyway the next morning we had to wake up really early because we needed to go Tangs Singapore to choose our sponsored clothes. It was a pretty cool experience and I got to bring home a snazzy Superdry leather jacket, which I later found out was £300 (omg).
I went for a really short lunch with Rachy, Stef, Mel, Brenda and Jiaqi later on and I absolutely love how they managed to calm me down without even having to do anything. LOL.
I was no. 14 to perform and instead of feeling nervous I was feeling sleepy all the way to be honest. But of course I perked up as it came closer to my performance time.
The first thing I did when I got on stage was to find my friends within the audience so that I could calm myself down, and the rest just came naturally. I did establish eye contact with Mr Park and guest judge, Mr Tony An but their faces were so stern that I quickly looked at the other two judges and my friends instead. I swear they were there to instill fear in us. Hahaha.
Performance shot. The jacket makes me look quite buff HAHAHA.
After the performances was the really long wait while the judges deliberated the results and so lots of photos were taken.
Love this shot!
With my favourite people in the whole wide world ♥
Rendy (dude in the middle with the brown shirt) and Anthea (pretty girl in the hat) were the eventual winners who are to represent Singapore in the competition in Korea. I'm sure everyone was happy for them (myself included) and I wish them all the best!
This experience has been enriching for me. Not only have I made many new friends, but also crossed singing on stage off my bucket list. Getting to perform on stage was definitely a confidence booster for me and I don't feel as insecure as I did before. I loved every second on stage and I think I did decent, though I did get pitchy towards the end haha uh well.
I'd like to thank my friends for supporting me all the way and for believing in me even more than I believed in myself, especially to Rachy and Stef for helping me with song choices and stuff. Thank you guys I love y'all so much y'all don't even know. Also, thank you to my YouTube subscribers who have always been giving me encouraging and constructive comments, the judges for giving me the opportunity to perform onstage, and of course my parents who were supportive of whatever I was doing despite not being present at the performance.
If y'all are interested, Brenda took a video of my performance. Do check it out if you haven't! ^^
Press photos credit to tvN Asia.
FEN SI FOREVER!!!! <3<3<3 Great job once again Michy!!
Thanks again Rachy! <3
how to join ur fanclub?
LOL Enrique I know that's you~
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