After my post where I proclaimed my love for the Canadian pop rock band, they announced a couple of days ago that they were finally coming down to Singapore! I was having lessons at that time so imagine how hard I had to curb myself from jumping out of my seat in ecstasy.
I have been tweeting Music Matters and the members of Faber Drive (here) and I'd really like to think that I was a catalyst as to why they were invited to this music festival (hahaha I'm joking), but I don't really care since all that matters is that they are coming down. And it's a great feeling to see your country listed as one of the tour dates in an email sent to those subscribed to the mailing list.

And isn't Seamus just the sweetest drummer around? (I won't be a grammar Nazi today.)
I've seriously never been so excited that a band is coming down. Maybe because I have been listening to them since their first album (they just released their third). Maybe because they are not any under major labels and it's hard for independent bands to come here, not to mention we are on opposite ends of the world. Or maybe just because I love them so freaking much.
I'd really want to thank Music Matters and the Canadian Independent Music Association for bringing Faber Drive down. Hopefully I'll get to meet them and hang a little. And here's hoping that they will play 'When I'm With You' and 'By Your Side'!
Still pretty much on a high since the news, and it's not helping that the lead singer, Faber, is stalking my followers list and following them on Twitter. Like seriously. I don't even.
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