To anyone who is reading this and is in any way concerned, nah nothing happened I'm just sayin'. Hahaha. Enjoy your weekend! x
Friday, July 29, 2011
Sometimes I just find it so difficult to convey my thoughts to others for fear of them judging me or that I will offend them unintentionally. I don't know how to make bad things sound as nice as possible. And it definitely does not help that all I'm good at is spouting childish stupid jokes. It's not that I want the whole world to know what's on my mind or anything but sometimes I just need someone who I can speak to, who can just listen to me and not judge me or anything because it hurts so much inside. But at the same time I feel so burdened by these thoughts that people will start to dislike me and all so I prefer to keep my mouth shut. Is there really no one who I feel comfortable enough with to spill everything to?
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Summer Paradise
Just got an offer for a day's chilling at Palau Ubin from and I am really excited! Kayaking + fish spa + (I have no idea what else) for just $16.80! I'm quite nonchalant about the fish spa part though. I'm not a big fan of animals, you see. But I'm really looking forward to Lagoon Kayaking! And I want to capsize too. Yes I know it sounds ironic coming from a person who does not know how to swim.
I love all their tops. Hehe.
Can't wait to finish learning the song and record it with Rach! Hopefully our next recording session will be more fruitful than the last one.
Yknow I never had such a versatile group of friends. Whatever I want to do, there is definitely someone to do it with - be it sports, LAN, singing, you name it! I guess it is partly because it is a big group too. Still I do realise it's these few people I hang out with all the time. Clique within clique. Hahaha.
In other news, 2NE1's "Ugly" music video was released yesterday! I love the song - it sends out a positive message and the girls still look flawless and badass (as always)!
I love all their tops. Hehe.
Can't wait to finish learning the song and record it with Rach! Hopefully our next recording session will be more fruitful than the last one.
On a heavier note, there have been major tragedies and disasters happening around the world. Like the attacks in Oslo, and the floods in China, Korea, etc. I find it so fortunate that we are still able to do things that we want to do and our greatest worry everyday is probably what to eat for lunch. In our safe little havens here in Singapore, we seem to take everything for granted and we will not know how it feels like to lose something/someone we cherish until it really happens. And who is there to say that it will not happen? Singapore's still one of the top targets for terrorist attacks and although our security is tight and all it doesn't mean that we are not at risk. Who knows, the next place we go to may be smogged with poisonous gases or have a bomb planted there by an insane man.
Who knows?
Monday, July 25, 2011
Friday, July 22, 2011
Till The Very End
As the credits rolled, a sensation that I have never felt before while watching a movie swept over me. It was like my heart was breaking and I couldn't believe I stuck with the series for ten years. After all, my childhood was Harry Potter (and Pokemon, hahaha).
One thing I really love about this series was that the main cast never changed. And just like us, they grew up with Harry Potter, except they were part of the amazing experience. Sigh, the things I would do to be part of the cast.. I don't even mind if I'm the screaming girl in Deathly Hallows Part 2.
The only qualm I have is that they didn't show the scene of Fred, Tonks and Remus dying. Not being sadistic or anything but I feel that it would have made a greater impact. After all, Fred and Remus are part of my favourites in the film and I felt it didn't do them much justice. Still, I cried upon the demise of these characters - including Snape, following Dobby's death in Part 1 (I bawled my lungs out all right? Silently at least).
(I was gonna embed a video of Dobby's death here but all the videos with that same content have disabled embedding, but you can see it here if you want)
This is no doubt the most amazing series ever. As with many other adaptations, the books are still way better in terms of being able to convey emotions and it also explains more than the films, although I still haven't read the last book. Hahaha I fail as a Potterhead.
Not all films are perfect, As seen on Tumblr and on the web, there are a considerable amount of mistakes in shooting the film like Lily's young self's eyes not being the same as Harry's (lol 'you have your mother's eyes') but the story is just flawless. Somehow it may seem a tad complicated and you would want to go take the effort to find out about them (like horcruxes, the prophecy, why Voldemort couldn't kill Harry with the Elder Wand, etc etc) which is in actual fact not difficult to understand at all even if you don't read the books since I understood everything fully though I didn't read the last book.
From the Sorcerer's Stone to the Deathly Hallows, the series has had a total of four directors and four soundtrack composers. I've always like the works of Chris Columbus and John Williams a bit more than the rest and I would have liked them to continue directing and writing the songs for the whole series, but of the rest of them did an awesome job too.
I think the thing I will miss most about this is the anticipation of waiting for the release of the book/movie and all the geeking out. To my generation, Harry Potter will always be more than a series of films and for me, it takes up a significant part of my childhood - from reciting lines from the films to pretending to do spells. And not forgetting Quidditch. I'd totally be a sick chaser and I'd totally love to have a Firebolt of my own. And how cool would it be to be in Dumbledore's Army? And of course the Order!

Haha I totally feel like I need another Harry Potter movie marathon and I totally need to watch Deathly Hallows Part 1 again. I'm still wondering when my Hogwarts letter will come or maybe what I need to do is find a small little room under some staircase and stay there for a while.
Thank you JK Rowling for writing this amazing series and bringing us on a crazy roller coaster ride. Thank you to Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson, Tom Felton, James Phelps, Oliver Phelps, Bonnie Wright, Matthew Lewis, Alan Rickman, Gary Oldman, Ralph Fiennes, Helena Carter, Evanna Lynch, Michael Gambon, Robbie Coltrane, Maggie Smith, and the rest of the cast for portraying their roles so well throughout the whole journey.
Thank you to the directors (Chris Columbus, Alfonso Cauron, Mike Newell, David Yates), composers of very epic scores (John Williams, Patrick Doyle, Nicholas Hooper, Alexandre Desplat), scriptwriters, cinematographers, and all the crew members.
And to you too, if you have stuck with Harry till the very end ;)
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Such A Beautiful Night
Spent yesterday night with the Poly gang in town and though it was just a simple meet up I definitely had fun! It amazes me sometimes how I can hang out with the same people every single time but I never ever get sick of them and I'm always having the time of my life.
/P.S. I wonder how many people actually visit this space anymore. Whatever happened to blogs being very 'hip'? Hahaha peace out! x
From drinking hard liquor and having great pizza to some awesome ice cream at Cold Stone Creamery and talking about really weird stuff like the human body anatomy (plus some things which personally would prefer not to reveal), these people are no doubt the group that I am most happy with and I wish that they can stay in my life for a long time to come. :)
Speaking of which, we were all complaining how fat and unfit we are so guys we should have a gym/badminton session soon. But well it's always all talk and no action. Before you know it you'll see us at Chomp Chomp stuffing our sorry fat selfs with food. Sigh. I really want to get a Gold for my NAPFA even though I don't need it. I can't bear to break my streak!
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 with my favourite girl later! I'm am beyond excited. My next post will be a geeky Harry Potter post. No one's complaining, right?
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Your Melody
I don't really have anything to type but I just felt like blogging. Going to send this envelope to Teens Mag tomorrow and I hope I win B1A4 showcase tickets!
Seriously they are damn cool and they definitely caught my eye with O.K! I love how they are so vibrant and they are slowly inching up my list of group biases. Heh.
Haha I just totally spammed videos but point is I really can't wait for their full-length album!
It sounds great! I am really glad that all 10 songs are new ones and are not re-used from their previous mini albums/singles. Woo Hyun's solo - it suits him so much! Infinite fighting!!
Seriously they are damn cool and they definitely caught my eye with O.K! I love how they are so vibrant and they are slowly inching up my list of group biases. Heh.
One rookie group that has made its way to third of my group bias list is Infinite, just after FT Island and SHINee! The members have really shown their versatility and that they can take on different styles. They've no doubt also proven that can sing and of course, their forte, dance really really well.
Haha I just totally spammed videos but point is I really can't wait for their full-length album!
It sounds great! I am really glad that all 10 songs are new ones and are not re-used from their previous mini albums/singles. Woo Hyun's solo - it suits him so much! Infinite fighting!!
Okay what am I still doing here at 2am GOODNIGHT GUYS.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Tell Me Goodbye
I really need to see this 'live' one day. This performance is freakin' epic and flawless. But LOL at Taeyang's stoned face at 0:25.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Sunshine State of Mind
The past two days have been nothing short of exciting.

Friday was Korean Music Wave which featured 10 bands - Big Bang, 2NE1, FT Island, Miss A, Teen Top, U-Kiss, X-5, The Boss, Touch, Dal Shabet. I wasn't planning to go for it originally but Stef and I got last minute tickets and I gotta admit that it was money well-spent. Comparing it to K-Pop Night last year, this one was so much better, in terms of venue and the sound system. And of course it healed the pain in my heart because I was really sore about not being able to see FT Island. Heh :$
The line-up was awesome too! It was totally like a 2NE1/Big Bang concert in the end! I'd say that I enjoyed myself.
Minhwan stuck at the back playing drums while his hyungs ran about.
Yeah so FT Island was the first band to perform, which was totally expected since before the concert even started, Jonghun's acoustic guitar was already on stage. They performed 'Love Love Love', 'Hello Hello', 'Bing Bing Bing' and my favourite 'I Hope (Barae)'! I was kind of expecting them to sing a couple of songs from their new mini album though. It would have been awesome if they had sung 'I Confess', after all, that is Stef's and my song. Hurhur. When they sung 'Barae' it was total deja vu all over again because I screamed at the intro of the song. Except this time I learned the fan chant LOL the Primadonna beside didn't do the fanchant pfft I felt like a loser. But no worries because the next time they come, I'm gonna have my Pentastick with me.
Supa Luv!
Miss A! Fei was so pretty omgosh. But Suzy looked kinda sick and she was coughing while going backstage. Take care, poor girl!
0330 - U-Kiss. Argh I love that song
2NE1 rocking the stage!
Starting off with 'Fire', they got the audience singing along with them. Wasn't difficult at all seeing that the lyrics were, 'eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh' LOL. 'Lonely' was so awesome and I found Dara totally charming while she sang her parts although they were really minimal compared to the rest. 'I Am the Best' no doubt pumped up the crowd and I was just screaming my lungs out for the fanchant. They also performed 'I Don't Care' and 'Can't Nobody' but I was totally expecting 'Go Away' and 'Clap Your Hands'. Bummer. Hahaha.
Seungri who loves Singapore beer.
Stef was so pumped during 'Strong Baby'. I don't blame her though! He put up an amazing performance! In the words of him, 'Awesome! Cool! And.....Awesome!' Adorable max.
Taeyang with his chilli crab song! Hurhur too cute!
I totally enjoyed his performance of 'I'll Be There' and 'Where U At'. I wanted 'Wedding Dress' and 'I Need A Girl' (a surprise appearance from Dara would have gotten me crazy) though! Still, his sleek dance moves and his smooth voice had me drowning in his awesomeness and it justified why he was the first K-Pop artist to have caught my eye in the very first place. Hahaha I'm trying to sound as un-fangirly as possible here.
TOP! Should have followed him club-hopping heh.
GD&TOP definitely did rock the house and when they kicked off their segment with 'Knock Out' it definitely got me singing (chanting/rapping) along. Proceeding with 'Oh Yeah' and 'High High', they brought the atmosphere at the Indoor Stadium to an all time high!
Big Bang as a whole, without Daesung unfortunately, performed 'Tonight', 'Love Song' and 'Hands Up'. His presence was obviously missed though, especially when Seungri sang his parts. Haha poor boy I know you did your best!
'Tonight' was basically flawless and although my heart broke at the sight of G-Dragon smashing the guitar I must admit that it was well..really cool, and awesome! Heh.
The beginning of 'Love Song' was a tad off though. TOP couldn't reach his low notes LOL too much rapping and shouting before that I reckon! But the rest of the song was just, beyond words. Well just one look at the reaction of the person beside me and you'd know. :P
I wasn't particularly high or overly-excited when FT Island performed though. And I attribute it to the fact that I was too far away and since they were the first act I wasn't pumped yet. And they weren't playing their instruments live, which I was pretty upset about to be honest.
Still, I'm really glad I got to hear 'Hello Hello', 'Barae' (again), '0330', 'Syo Hajima' and 'Love Song' live - all of which are on my favourites list heh.
I'd like to say a huge thank you to all the performers! Thank you for putting up such wonderful performances and I thoroughly enjoyed the full 3.5 hours. Thank you very much, Stef, for asking me to go with you, and of course for the company! I really would have regretted so so much if I didn't go! Also, thank you to Jiaqi for helping us get the tickets!
And Stef, although our stalking plans totally failed, trust me, one day we will be able to catch whoever we wanna stalk. Haha but for now, B1A4 from the airport on 7th August! And we can do the same for SHINee in September!
The next day we were on a mission to assist perfectionist Eden plan for Dee's 19th birthday! Well I guess it was a success and luckily we didn't miss the fireworks. It felt so awesome watching fireworks from the 58th storey of Swissotel The Stamford with my favourite people.
I definitely had fun including a bathroom photo shoot with the girls.

Epic jump shots by Keith and I!

Stef and I at our Little India station.

Happy birthday again, Dee! And I hope we made your 19th really memorable! You are really precious so please stay in our lives for a long time to come! :)
/picture credits to Brenda!
Speaking of birthdays, it is already 18th July in KST so I definitely gotta dedicate a birthday post to my favourite maknae, Lee Taemin!
I have to admit, just like any other human being, I was superficial and started liking you because of your look in Lucifer, you were really... *breathes in* Hahaha. And you were one of the main reasons why I actually started taking notice of SHINee.
You are no doubt one of the most adorable idols I know. You are a crazy dance machine, you can play the piano, and your singing has improved tremendously from your debut days.
You are really dorky sometimes. You say you want to be seen as a more 'manly' person, but you always use your aegyo for every situation that calls for it. Although you are now legal, in my heart, you will never stop being the child that you are.
How can you not love him? His vocals may not be the best around but look at the amount of effort he puts in! And his random ad-libs. Hahaha.
Taemin, watching and hearing you laugh totally makes my day. So, please stay happy forever!

See you in 54 days you perfect boy! I love you! ♥
And here's to a great week ahead! Stay happy and positive everyone! :)

Friday, July 15, 2011
Looks like I will be going to see my boys after all! :)
Not feeling the excitement yet. The agony of money flying away is over-powering it lol.
But I'll be fine :D
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Hello Hello Goodbye Goodbye
Just A Dream
You know you have friends who understand you when you can rant off about something that they can't really relate to and they still listen to you.
I have not played the French Horn for a considerable long time so I really hope I don't lose my skills because I'm slowly losing skill in everything else and the only thing of me that's improving is my singing and I feel like a piece of useless junk.
As you guys probably know, I have always been a music junkie and I do pride myself in being able to play multiple instruments, although not very well.
Just like many other kids, I started my 'music journey' with piano. Contrary to most of them who quit because of stress of piano exams and loss of interest, I was actually very enthusiastic in this aspect. Looking at my standard of piano when I was really young, I was actually really really good and I'm not trying to be a show-off here. I still remember before my parents bought a real piano for I had to use this small keyboard which didn't even have all the 88 keys. So naturally I was ecstatic when I came home one day and I saw the piano there and of course I started practising like crazy.
Of course, it wasn't fated to last. When pop music started coming into my life and I started collecting pop music piano sheets, I started to find the usual piano and classical music really boring. And of course after that I could never put my heart into practising the pieces for piano exams so eventually I stopped at Grade 5, which is really stupid because that grade was a stepping stone away from the 'basics', as with for my music theory education.
I guess I wasn't persistent enough, which was foolish because if I had continued, I would have already gotten a diploma by now, qualified to teach.
Now whenever I touch the piano, I only find myself playing my renditions of pop music, it isn't a bad thing, but I feel my skills slowly going away.
My band life on the other hand, is slightly different. I can safely say that I have always been in top-notch condition for any instrument I held during the respective times, be it the Alto Horn, Trumpet and French Horn. Of course I struggled a little during Sec 1 when I first held the French Horn because after all, it is the most difficult brass instrument. But naturally I picked up really fast.
I have always found satisfaction playing instruments and playing in the band was no exception, especially when there are really nice melodies and crazy counter-melodies that French hornists always get. However I don't deny that I get sick of it sometimes. There were even a couple of times that I was sick of playing the guitar, or surprisingly, singing.
There is one thing that has never made me sick of doing it though, probably because I don't have much of an opportunity to do, but I really enjoy it as well. And that is conducting. I conducted my band once in Primary 4 for Speech Day and although I was quite intimidated, I thoroughly enjoyed it and the sense of satisfaction is just, wow. So from then on, whenever I had the chance to conduct, I'd immediately volunteer myself. Not that anyone else minded too.
And in Secondary School I was given the post Librarian but that didn't stop the band masters from putting me on the podium. Whenever the Student Conductor wasn't in, I'd be on there, and I'd be really happy.
There was once where the Sec 2s couldn't go for cohort camp and stayed in school for band practices instead (that's sad), and the Sec 4s were having truncated lessons. Whenever I had a break, the Sec 2s would be just starting practice and I'd head there every time offering to take warm ups and the bandmaster would gladly oblige.
There was once where the Sec 2s couldn't go for cohort camp and stayed in school for band practices instead (that's sad), and the Sec 4s were having truncated lessons. Whenever I had a break, the Sec 2s would be just starting practice and I'd head there every time offering to take warm ups and the bandmaster would gladly oblige.
Now (or a few months back) in Poly I'm just too scared to conduct although I had the authority to because there are far too many better players and more musical people than me. And that is really sad.
I have not played the French Horn for a considerable long time so I really hope I don't lose my skills because I'm slowly losing skill in everything else and the only thing of me that's improving is my singing and I feel like a piece of useless junk.
Not gonna lie, not a single day goes by without me imagining myself having a career in music and I still wanna be able to perform something that I like on stage. I truly love performing. I love the feeling of standing on stage and showing others what I can do but out of the countless times that I have been on stage I have never been able to perform something 'cool' and something that I really wanna show everyone (notably singing). And I would have joined competitions if I weren't so insecure about myself.
Up till now I still wonder if my decision to reject my dad's offer to send me to NAFA was right. Of course it would have been easier to fulfil my 'dream' if I was there but the competition there is crazy, and I would probably not be having as much fun as I am now. (I have this stereotype that established classical musicians are generally stuck up ._.)
On the bright side I would not have been able to meet this group of friends that are more precious to me than they can ever imagine, even if I don't show it, even if they annoy me sometimes, even if I get upset at them sometimes, but hey, no one said people who love you will never hurt you.
And the current Michy is one who has never been happier :)
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Terrible Things
I am so bored at work now.
Recently got Mayday Parade's EP, Valdosta and I am totally in love with this song. I can't relate to this song in any way but it still makes me cry.
Yay money fly away.
Recently got Mayday Parade's EP, Valdosta and I am totally in love with this song. I can't relate to this song in any way but it still makes me cry.
The song is a dad narrating to his son about his life story and hoping that his son doesn't go through the same pain that he did.
I really wanna learn this song on piano. Found a piano tutorial on Youtube and I'm gonna master it...When I have the time to. There is just something about songs based heavily on piano that makes me wanna listen to them over and over again.
Seriously there are so many touching and meaningful songs but the songs that are well-known and mainstream are all just so trashy. It's the same for almost every language sadly. Maybe not C-Pop though, I still hear lots of ballads on charts, which is a really great thing. :)
On a brighter note, SHINee World Concert in Singapore has finally been confirmed! 10th Sept, here I come ^^

And I can't believe that FT Island is gonna be performing at the Indoor Stadium on Friday and I'm not going. Sigh, I really wanna see them rock the stadium with Hello Hello and if they play I Confess I'm gonna kill myself.
/note to self: Go to HMV soon and buy We The Kings' Sunshine State of Mind album.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
The past couple of days were totally filled with activities which were fun, but really tiring.
There was 'The Sweet Collision' which featured Eyes Set to Kill and Mayday Parade. Wenhui and I went for Mayday Parade.
Apart from the crazy moshing (honestly, who moshes to Mayday Parade, wtf), it was a good gig. They were so good 'live'! There was a meet-n-greet session after that to take pics and get autographs but we were too tired to wait for them anymore. Wasted, though :/
The opening band. I think the lead singer's from TP :O
Eyes Set to Kill's bassist! She's so cool, and pretty!
Derek from Mayday Parade. Too skinny *_*
Some people were asking if this was Travis Clark from We The Kings. Of course not, you idiots.
All rocked out.
The next day was the DBS Black Top Party where Jon and I helped Stef out. It wasn't that tiring but it ended quite late. And I was quite high cuz I gulped down one whole glass of drink, but hey, that's the thrill of drinking. :)
It was held at the New Asia bar atop Swissotel The Stamford. And guests had access to the rooftop which was actually a helicopter landing pad. It was really cool. I thought I could only see helipads in movies.
The view of the skyscrapers and city scape from up there was amazing. My camera doesn't do it justice at all. Wish I had a DSLR with me.
Top of the world.
I was slightly shocked, upset, and very very disappointed. And my heart is literally aching now.
I know many things that people spread around via hearsay are not true but sometimes after not being in touch with people, you've got to believe what you hear because it's the closest to the truth since you don't know anything at all.
Nonetheless, I still wish that person good luck in everything. x
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Fiction and Fact
This weekend has been uh-ma-zing! Not counting the fact that I spent it with the same people (again), I had so much fun! Well, besides me being sick. :'(
Saturday was Beast's 1st Asia Fanmeet Tour in Singapore! I'm not a huge fan of them but I really dig their music, so I was quite excited!
The event page stated that it was 2 hours and as an audience, I was pleasantly surprised that it actually lasted that long! And they sang quite a number of songs, which was a bonus. I was totally ecstatic to watch them perform 'Fiction'!

Goshh the things I would do just to drive this car.
And true to it's name, Mirage in there has an Italian accent. Mi piace ;)
Saturday was Beast's 1st Asia Fanmeet Tour in Singapore! I'm not a huge fan of them but I really dig their music, so I was quite excited!
They played games with six lucky audience girls and as expected, there were totally butthurt fans hating on those who got to go up. There was a girl behind us who kept cursing the girl who got picked by Yoseob. Hello get a life girl why you hatin'? No matter, some pics next!
Doojoon's birthday cake!
Om nom nom...
LOL Yoseob
Why hello there Son Nam Shin!
Hyun Seung!
Kikwang! He is not my bias in Beast I gotta admit he was *_* His smile! And as some might add, his abs!
Junhyung!~ I love his raps.
I didn't manage to get any clear pics of Doojoon :/
Btw, these pics are cropped and edited so they don't look like I took them from the screen LOL we weren't near at all. This was our actual view:
It still was really fun though. But concert ushers are just always seem intent on spoiling our concert experiences they really should just chill.
Went to the airport for dinner (and acted like kids) after that and we found out that Beast was actually leaving Singapore that night cuz we saw some B2utys there so we decided to wait for them just for the thrill of it but in the end Brenda and Mel had to go so only Stef and I were left.
12.03am. Omg seriously, I look so tired!
We didn't get to see them in the end though but it was fun while it lasted! I am definitely gonna do it again. Maybe next week, when FT Island comes? :P
Sunday was a private screening of Transformers 3, courtesy of Mel's dad!
The film wasn't fantastic. Transformers 2 was better. But I wasn't expecting the betrayal of Sentinel so that pulled the score up a bit.
But one thing's for sure after watching this third instalment -- I REALLY LOVE BUMBLEBEE. I remember the first time I watched Transformers, I fell in love with the Camaro Chevy instantly. Too sexy!

Of course, the other Autobot that I definitely couldn't miss (it's red), is Mirage - a sleek Ferrari 458 Italia. It looks so sleek in robot form too!

Oh wow what a fangirly and geeky post. Don't get me wrong though I'm not obsessed with automobiles I just like gawking at them and hoping one day I'd get to at least ride in one of them. I don't even ask for a Lamborghini. I just wanna get into a Bumblebee Chevy and pretend to be Sam Witwicky. I'm such a kid. Heh.
Work tomorrow. Time's gonna fly once Wednesday reaches. Hang in there everyone! x
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