1. Amber of f(x)
2. Baro of B1A4
3. Why I Choose Not To Be Feminine
4. Something I Would Want to Venture in Besides Music
1. Amber of f(x)

She is undeniably one of the coolest K-Pop idols I know. I mean, it is really not surprising that she's one of my idols considering that Ella from S.H.E was my first idol, right? These 'tomboy' idols are classic examples of the fact that you do not need to be really girly or sexy blah blah blah to be successful.
In every f(x) performance, the loudest of cheers goes to her. She has so many fangirls who look up to her and yes I am one of them. In any case it's so much better to have female fans looking up to you then have fanboys lusting over you. Eew.
Oh, I totally love her English accent and her swag while she's rapping too! And seeing that she is really close to many idols in the industry, I guess she must be really friendly too! She's really down-to-earth and not arrogant too, which is a commendable trait for people who are famous.
And here's a random f(x) gif LOL.
2. Baro of B1A4
Cha Sunwoo, rapper and resident squirrel of B1A4. The band caught my attention with their first single 'O.K' and I totally fell in love with Baro when I saw their 21st May Music Core performance.
Everything about this performance is perfection! You can hear their voices clearly, the camera work is great, Baro exceptionally adorable but at the same time he still looks cool, a Baro/Gongchan interaction at the end, and the way Baro grabs his cap whenever they jump (I think it's a bit loose).
This has got to be the cutest thing ever! Hehehe.
Personality wise, maybe because B1A4's just a rookie group, they are still really humble and all. When they came to Singapore as I blogged about before, a few of us managed to catch the boys. As I was walking beside Baro, I held out my poster and marker for him to sign and he did stretch out his hands, but the security kinda blocked me and he gave me an apologetic look. I still can remember that look on his face. Yeah that incident firmly rooted him at the top of my B1A4 bias list.
There was apparently an incident that happened in Singapore too where a security guard accidentally (or not) stepped on a fan's note which fell to the ground and Baro became angry. Aww, such a sweet boy, really.
Well first off, he can rap (duh) and he does it with a lot of...well, swag. Yes I know I have been using this word a lot please pardon me. But he has a really deep voice so when he raps it is really nice. He writes his own raps too - the rap parts in all of the five songs are written solely by him!
But the talent I love most about him is that he can beatbox!
For me, beatboxing is one of the most admirable talents. Contrary to belief, it is not simple at all and it doesn't only require using the mouth. The throat is also required in beatboxing and it is something that I have not been able to do yet.
Absolutely love the beatbox here. Can he be my teacher? Hahahaha.
He is really athletic as well!! I mean, you know you are athletic when you are able to beat Minho in a race. Lol.
There are so many other reasons why I love this boy but I can't really think of any more right now, so I'll just leave this as it is!
3. Why I Choose Not To Be Feminine
Well this is an interesting topic. I have no idea when this whole 'I don't wanna wear skirts/dresses' thing started actually. When I was younger (like in primary school) I was still fine with wearing those and I even liked wearing heels, LOL. But I guess the mindset of 'I had short hair so I should wear more boyish stuff' took over. I guess the mindset has sunk in so deep that I still am unwilling to wear skirts even though i have long hair now. I still think my current style suits me the best. I guess the most important thing is that I must feel comfortable in what I wear, or I'd feel really uncomfortable the whole day.
Actually I think if you mix around with me long enough, you'd be able to see that I'm not all that tomboyish. I do dress like one but my actions are still really...quite girly?? Hahahahahahahaha I'm serious though!
I wish my friends will stop wishing that I'd wear a dress one day though because it gets a little irritating at times, especially if I'm not close to the person damn it go away please go wear a tablecloth or something, don't bother me! Whatever that is going to come will come eventually. I'm not saying that this is going to come though. Hahaha *inserts troll face*
4. Something I Would Want to Venture in Besides Music
Hmm, I honestly don't have something that I really want to do besides music but I would like to try acting one day. Haha yes something to do with entertainment too.
I think my acting's pretty good LOL. Like I can make myself cry at will, and I can hold back laughter fairly well. I think I'd do pretty well at crying and breaking down scenes, or as a person who took a bullet for someone. HAHA my imagination's taking me a bit far but yes, acting is something that I want to try if I ever get the chance.
This may not be realistic and all but heyyy I'm still young I can still dream!! Or would you guys have preferred me to write about how I would love to work in administrative office? Nah I don't think so.
About half an hour left till the end of work! Gonna meet mum at 313@Somerset later and get my Hebe album! Will come back here soon!
And to anyone who ever visits this space any more, have a happy weekend! x
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