We met up with Rachel before the SHINee World Concert and bought lightsticks and went in. I was quite surprised that the concert actually started on time.
Anyway, SWC was everything that I have been waiting for the past couple of months. It was nothing short of amazing - even though the boys seemed really tired. Such is the magic of these five shining boys, it would definitely have been flawless if they have had a good rest before it.
Nevertheless, I thoroughly enjoyed myself and I remember all the excitement cooped up inside me letting itself out when 'The SHINee World' came on. I was pretty sure they were lip-syncing to this song and a few others though.
The 'Intro' segment included catchy dance songs like 'Senorita', 'A.Mi.Go', 'Juliette', 'Love Should Go On' and 'Stand By Me'. Key and Minho kept coming to our side. We were totally getting crazy whenever any of them came to our side.
We were sitting at the Terrace seats but trust me it was really really near whenever they came to the extended stage. So close that I could take shots like these:
The next segment were the solo stages and it started out with Taemin's stage, 'Romeo+Juliette'.
Poor boy was out of tune almost all the way! :( But the dance break was flawless. Really, he showed everyone once again why he is SHINee's dance machine. And while I'm here let me proclaim my love for this maknae. I LOVE TAEMIN. Lol okay sorry.
After that was Jonghyun singing 'This Woman's Work' originally by Kate Bush.
Unfortunately he was singing the whole thing in Engrish so I really didn't understand 90% of the song. Haha so sorry Jonghyun. Your vocal range is still amazing though. But you really have to stop straining cuz my throat hurts for you everytime you do that.
Right after that was yes, OMG, Minho! Stef totally couldn't control her excitement LOL but I really can't blame her. He was really hot. Really!!! Hahaha.

Right after that was 'My First Kiss' by Key ft. *sigh* Barbie Tae.
One of the segments that I enjoyed most was the 'Sweet Serenades' segments where the boys crooned out ballads like 'Quasimodo', 'Life' and the one which captured my heart the most, 'Romantic'. It had me close to tears, especially after Taemin's part (he sang one small part wrongly but all's well because he is cute). Arguably my favourite SHINee song. The segment ended with none other than...

The final set was what brought the atmosphere to an all time high though. With jams like 'Ring Ding Dong', 'Up & Down', 'Ready or Not' and 'Lucifer', we stood up with our lightsticks in hand, and started bopping to the to the beat and screaming our lungs out for the fanchant of 'Lucifer'. It was crazy!!

Then came the encore which started off with 'JoJo' and properly ended with 'One'. I was kind of tearing during the final song, partly because it was a ballad and with the members giving their thank you speeches and everyone singing Key a birthday song, the whole atmosphere of the stadium was just really touching. :')

Of course, no SHINee concert is complete without playing with water. Well mainly it was just Taemin, Minho and Jonghyun.
It was definitely a night I will always remember. It may not have been great in the eyes of critiques and reporters for the newspapers but the most important thing is that those who were present enjoyed themselves. Thank you Running Into the Sun for bringing them in
And the last but definitely not least, thank you to the five boys of SHINee for that amazing night. I love all five of you heh. Don't come back so soon because we are all broke. Haha.
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