Hahaha so fangirl.

Met Sziyi there! :)

Performance photos belong to their respective owners. Un-watermarked photos belong to SGKWave.
The next few days were spent going out after school and all. I'm really drained now.

TP French Horns

TK Horn Juniors

Cool Poly bunch @ Sun Ray cafe
Yup, so thank you to everyone who wished me/celebrated this day with me. I really am grateful for each and every one of you.
School for the first half of the semester has ended and I'm amazed at how fast time has passed. I'll definitely make whatever I have left of 2011 a memorable one!...by studying for Scriptwriting mid-sem and trying to finish the shitload of assignments I have. I'm so thankful I didn't agree to go overseas with my family or I'll be having a really difficult time with all the deadlines. Gonna be looking forward to the meet-ups and parties during the last week, though! Oh, of course, not forgetting our date with DJ Masa next Saturday!
Till then, fighting!!

Till then, fighting!!
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