5 hours after my graduation from Temasek Polytechnic, I'm sitting here in front of my laptop listening to epic film score music and trying to think of where to start this post.
Of course, the easiest way is to start from the beginning - way back to orientation. I stepped into the Convention Centre full of uncertainty and made my way to where the CMM students were supposed to assemble, and I was pleasantly surprised to see Shafiq sitting there! I guess I was really lucky to have a good start to my Poly life.
Year One was pretty much a great year where I got to know this bunch of people (Stef, Rach, Jean, Eudora, Brenda, Jon) who would be my pillar for the next couple of years to come - even though we went into different classes, the bond never seemed to break and instead we became even closer.
It wasn't till Year Two that I got to know more/get closer to the rest of the bunch (Mel, Yiyun, Deanna, Nava, Keith, SL) and even though we were still closer to certain people in the group, it didn't really matter since we clicked really well whenever the whole group was together. Around this period was also the year of eighteenth birthdays so planning for birthdays was really nerve-wrecking. I still remember how everyone was always so vexed over them to plan a perfect surprise for the birthday girl/boy - although we got kind of lazy after a while because honestly organising one almost every month was so tiring! Haha!
Year Three was definitely the most taxing one and meet-ups and gathering were significantly less apart from lazing around in school and going for dinners after lessons. It honestly didn't matter which elective we were in because we always ended up helping each other anyway.
Everything seems like it just happened yesterday and I am not really ready to let go of all these because I truly believe that these were, and will always be the best three years of my life. It was the period of time where I learnt the meaning of 'work hard, play hard', went through so many things that have inadvertently made me stronger and more mature, and most of all, forged friendships with so many people. I was not paying attention to the speeches just now during the ceremony but I heard one sentence - 'the friends you have made here in Poly will be your closest friends...' - something along that line and I couldn't agree more with that.
Having been able to see everyone in school for one last time was a feeling that was... I don't know. I can't really put it in words. I guess I felt gratified, but at the same time, a little disappointed that all this was over. All the uncertainty about our own future is circling around. For me, uncertainty about our friendship is one of the things that bug me the most but deep down I believe that we can withstand the test of time.
So to all, who have been one way or another, involved in my life in Temasek Polytechnic, I thank you all so much - tutors, course mates, band mates, or even acquaintances I have made in my course of study here.
To end my post, here is possibly the most epic photo we have ever taken.
Twelve is the maximum they said. We showed 'em fourteen.
El Final.
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