I've heard mixed reviews from my friends - some said it was boring, and others begged to differ.
For me, I was quite satisfied with it because well, Harry Potter is my childhood and I'm a huge huge Potterhead. I just wished that it was more interactive, and that they provided more information about the props. For example, instead of just 'Harry Potter's wand', they could have put something like, 'Harry Potter's wand. Made of holly and had a phoenix feather core, with the feather coming from Fawkes'... something like that.
I really liked the part where you could pull out the Mandrakes to hear their irritating high-pitched squeals and where you could throw quaffles into the hoops though. Sigh, I guess that's the closest I will ever be to being in a Quidditch match. Sob.
Anyway, some pictures next! Photos are not allowed in the exhibition but I'm a ninja.
The Flying Ford Anglia greeting us prior to the exhibition.
Jon wincing from the Mandrake's screeching hahaha.
Found my alter ego hiding near Dumbledore's costume.
Bought a Chocolate Frog and I got a 3D Gilderoy Lockhart Wizard Card. LOL uh well at least there's Harry in the picture.
We then went to the Andy Warhol '15 Minutes Eternal' exhibition which was also held there. I honestly don't understand artists sometimes - they seem so eccentric and... weird. His works were interesting, although Keith and I were more interested in our Running Man/spy role plays. Lol. Such nuisances we are.
A group of contemporary dancers came out of nowhere and started dancing. Well at least Keith looks happy. Haha!
With some oversized paper glasses from the exhibition LOL.
We then met up with Jean to stuff our sorry selves with beef hor fun, kangkong and dim sum amongst other dishes, after which we headed to Keith's place to chill. It was just another night filled with laughter and banters. Sigh, I absolutely love these people. What am I gonna do when a good half of them go to Perth next year?
(I would insert a group shot here but it turned out blur. Pfft I need a better camera.)
Goodnight! xx
My face is epic chui maxxxx. Hahahha.
I like it! Very into character! :D
I been to the exhibition too. It was really great as l watch Harry Potter movies and l am impressed you get to take some photos!
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