What a ride. 12 years; 13 albums. It is amazing how they have managed to stay together for so long despite all the things that happened. Every artiste/group has had their own problems and hurdles but honestly, you just can't compare them to those of S.H.E's - Ella's hip-shattering accident in 2003 and her getting depression, numerous reports on Hebe's sexuality, to most recently, Selina's accident which resulted in third-degree burns and the hiatus in their group activities, just to name a few... Just, wow. Of course, Selina's and Ella's weddings did make us feel really happy for them. How sweet was Lawyer 'Ah Tiong' when he took the initiative to make their relationship public at their concert in Taipei?
And this music video of Ella's solo song featuring none another than the leading lady and her husband themselves...
Everyone has to stop being so sweet, seriously.
While many critics have doubted their return after Selina's accident, die-hard fans (like me) have been awaiting it. My dad said they wouldn't, and I almost cried (for real I'm not kidding).
But they did, and it excited me so much when photos from their photoshoot in Milan were released.

After all these turbulence, I'm sure S.H.E has again rooted themselves as the top girl group in Asia. And they are totally deserving of that title - they can sing (all of them have solo EPs/albums), act (Ella's portfolio is growing day by day), host, and they are just the sweetest and most down-to-earth people ever.
I don't see myself ceasing to support them anytime soon, after all, they were my first ever idols... And one doesn't simply forget their 'firsts'. Lol. I'm hoping that they have promotional activities here because I'm really missing them a lot after seeing them for consecutive years at their autograph sessions.
我永远爱你们, 永不说再见.
On a final note, HIM, are you really expecting me to plant these sunflower seeds?
they actually gave flower seeds? haha
do you know where to get the limited edition album? i've only seen the normal ones around..
Hey Miyuki. Haha yes they gave flower seeds lol and do you mean in Singapore? Because to my knowledge they are already sold out in lots of places. If a place sells the normal version, chances are they sell the limited edition too - of course if it is sold out it is another matter altogether. :)
I don't live in SG, i meant on the net i've only seen normal ones :(
is there a big diff from the normal to limited? i'm assuming the normal ones don't give out sunflower seeds lol!
Hmm, I would say that the packaging itself is a pretty big difference.. The limited edition has really pretty postcards - I'm not sure if the normal edition has those. But music content is the same. And since the price is about the same, I'd suggest you get the limited edition if you see it around! And yes you're right about the sunflower seeds part. Haha!
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