My friends and I reached pretty early - around 1pm, considering the fact that we got seats. We were disappointed when the merchandise booth stated that the lightsticks were sold out, but we were so happy later when we got free ones from Samsung by just waving. Lol. We took it one step further and did body waves as well. SO. EMBARRASSING. We also went around collecting hand banners which was a lot of fun. Most of them were EXO ones though. I'm not complaining - I just wished that I could have gotten some SHINee and the TVXQ one. Uh well.

So cool! But what do I do with them now?
Fast forward to when we entered the concert venue. There were so many people that I think they gave up on bag checks, so we got to our seats pretty quickly. Our seats were pretty decent, and the atmosphere was awesome. And we absolutely had no idea that the extended stage was going to be so close. Haha we kinda freaked out.
Mandatory ticket shot and an awesome view.
My amazing concert companions ^^
Anyway, the concert itself was just uh-ma-zing. I was definitely looking forward to seeing EXO the most... just because. It was my first time seeing EXO, BoA, f(x), Kangta and Super Junior live. And they were amazing. All of the acts were, even though there were some slip-ups (literally - lots of the artistes slipped on stage and some fell).

While it was disappointing that some of the performances were lip-synced to - EXO's 'History' and 'MAMA', SHINee's 'Lucifer', and the one that upset me the most - Taeyeon's 'Devil's Cry', the collaboration stages were really impressive. I especially enjoyed Changmin's and Kyuhyun's 'Just the Way You Are' and 'Open Arms' by Ryeowook, Onew, Baekhyun and Chen. Of course, it was also great getting to hear TVXQ's 'Humanoids' even before it was released. Lucky us. Hehe.
Oh god Baekhyun please come into my open arms.
Of course my favourite Taemin and SHINee charmed the socks off of me with their cute little antics and English. Haha!
2min moment at 2:37. Urgh Taemin can you get any cuter?
.And Internet War ft. Jonghyun and Taemin. That totally sent all of us into fangirl spasms. LOL.

I was so impressed with f(x) when they performed Electric Shock (how apt lol) live in the heavy rain. It was totally a the-show-must-go-on moment and I was incredibly touched.

And as if on cue, during the last song 'Hope', the rain suddenly stopped. It was like the heavens knew. I was even more touched and even though it was a happy song I started tearing up. It was beautiful. Even as I write this and reminisce I feel like crying. Hahaha I'm such a softie, pfft.
Anyway, to end off, I am so glad that I decided to go for this. It was indeed the biggest K-pop event in Singapore thus far, and I anticipate the next one in 2014.

And also watch the highlights of SMTOWN Live World Tour III in Singapore that I did if you haven't! :)
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