I've never been one for variety shows, but recently I've been hooked onto 'Amazing f(x)', where the girls go on a trip to New Zealand to do things that I really wanna do. Kinda like 'SHINee's Wonderful Day'. Except I prefer the latter since all five of them are together almost throughout, which I appreciate so much because their interaction makes me laugh, and they are totally variety show material. And I'm starting to ship Amber and Sulli sooo much it's not even funny.
Are we not going to talk about how Amber made a flower crown secretly for Sulli when the latter saw tourists wearing them and she wanted one? Or how Amber comforted her who was scared of birds and then proceeded to chase them away and said, "Sulli-ah, if you see anymore, tell me". Or how Sulli calls Amber 'hyung'? Do you hear me sobbing?!
Shit quality but FREAKIN' SULBER.
In order to finish as many of the things in their bucket list within their one week there, sometimes they split into two groups - so far it's Victoria, Krystal and Sulli in one group and Luna and Amber in the other. I freaking love both groups' interactions too - like how the maknaes are forever not finding Vic's jokes funny and just ignore her and how Amber takes care of Luna. When Luna was too scared to go onto the bungee jump (to overcome her fear of heights), Amber volunteered to jump first, even though she was scared too. WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME AMBER-SSHI?!
Perfect OTP: Amber and llama. I'm so done.
So TL;DR, I love Amazing f(x), I ship Amber with everyone, and Amber reminds me of me. No I'm serious.

She plays a guitar in Episode 5. THAT'S ANOTHER SIMILARITY RIGHT THERE.
Can't wait for English subs to come out. ;~; Ok bye will go drown in f(x) feels now.
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