Back with a proper post because Rachel nominated me for The Liebster Award (which I had no knowledge of till today) and I will do anything she says because she's awesome. So I uh, basically copied and pasted the rules from Rach's blog:
- List 11 random facts about yourself.
- Answer the questions designated by the blogger(s) who nominated you.
- Place YOUR nominations for the Liebster Award!
- Nominate five (or more) other bloggers that have less than 200 followers. Make sure to notify them via - comment/email, etc.
- Make up a set of questions for those nominated bloggers to answer.
- Display the Liebster award badge on your blog!
Aight, let's get this ball rollin'!
11 random facts about myself:
(I'm a pretty boring person and I've probably talked about most, if not all of these before, but do read on.)
1. Let's start with the obvious, shall we? I'm absolutely crazy about music and seriously it's a wonder that I didn't take any music-related courses. I would consider myself a jack of all trades, master of none. I guess it's because I
2. I am very OCD about neatness and cleanliness. I can't help but cringe when people do not wash their hands after touching food and they use their phones right after that, or even worse, touch my stuff. I might look indifferent but I am actually screaming in agony inside. The contents in my bag always have to be at the right places and compartments and I have a shitload of files to store all my documents. My computer and hard disk are filled with folders and sub-folders to categorize my stuff. Every single track in my iTunes have to have almost complete information (i.e. album, year, genre) and album art. I also have a scheduler that I depend heavily on. It consists of literally everything that I care about in my life - appointments, birthdays, album release dates, concerts, deadlines, you name it. It also has cute stickers and random (but neat) doodles inside. So if you're a messy person, I'm sorry but I don't think we can be roommates... It's for both of our own good, really.
3. I'm not particularly proud of my concert spendings, but I love going to gigs... and meeting artistes... and bringing home stuff from the gigs. /cough/
4. I majored in Broadcast in Poly, but I really like writing as well, though it's really hard for me to start. But most of the time, once I start, all the words just start flowing out. Writing for Dinoseoul has been a pleasure so far - what more the topic being something that I really like?
5. I like dancing too - especially to R&B songs. Love the slick moves. But I have no confidence in that field because my friends around me dance so much better. Haha uh well. : |
6. Food is my life. I'm also known as chicken monster by some of my friends and I gladly accept it. Seriously, I don't know how I can eat so much. I think the only reason why I'm not overweight yet is because I don't snack. Hahaha. But I'm also very picky with my food - I don't eat raw food (i.e. salad and sashimi), meat that's too fatty, the yolk in sunny side-ups, internal organs, anything that's too milky... and I hate Parmesan cheese. Bleargh.
7. I read fanfics. I especially love the Taemich ones that Keith writes. It has been stuck at Chapter 4 and currently Taemin and I have been singing 'Thunder' together at his balcony for almost a year now but I wouldn't have it any other way.
9. I'm a very sentimental person. I prefer receiving personalized gifts than expensive ones (of course unless you're willing to build a home recording studio for me hahaha). All my letters are kept nicely and categorized neatly according to my different groups of friends.
10. I used to have abs but Poly took them all away... or rather they got covered. LOL.
11. Sometimes when I listen to sad songs I pretend that I'm in a music video and create scenarios in my head and act all emotional and I end up crying. Ahhh this is so embarrassing. OK MOVING ON.
Here are Rach's questions:
1. What is one extreme thing you’d like to do, but don’t have the guts to?
I've always wanted to perform on a huge huge stage but that's because I never got a chance. So I think I'll go with skydiving. As I get older, I get more and more timid and that sucks so I wanna do something that makes me feel like I can conquer anything else after completing it. That's extreme enough... right?
2. What was your last indulgent purchase?
Sadly everything slightly costly (even food) that I spend on now can be considered an indulgent purchase because I am so, so broke. But recently I paid 6 bucks for a glass of coke at the Beer Market because I wanted to watch the Australian bands perform there during Music Matters. Rawr. Not cool.
3. Name five items currently in your bag that you can’t leave your house without.
There're more than five because of my inner auntie but wallet, earpieces, comb, portable charger, scheduler (my phone and iTouch are not counted because they're in my pockets most of the time).
4. What’s your most played song on iTunes, ever?
Currently it's C-Clown's 'Shaking Heart' at 167 plays (What?! It came out barely two months ago!!). But that's an unfair result because my iTunes has reformatted on me four times this year already. According to my previous iTunes plays it'd probably be Boys Like Girls' 'Thunder' or Faber Drive's 'When I'm With You', my two ultimate favourite songs. Yup, I love K-pop but I'm still loyal to my pop punk roots.
5. How would you describe your style, and who are your current fashion influences?
I'm no fashionista, that's for sure. But I'd say preppy - y'all should see my ever-growing collection of bright coloured berms and jeans. I don't have any fashion influences... or to put it in a corny way, I define my own fashion! Hahaha!
Okay so I don't have another nomination because everyone that I know who blogs has already been nominated by Rachel. If this was 2005 I'd have been spoilt for choice. So uhm, no nominations, no questions. Okay? Okay.
To those who are doing this, have fun! :)
2. Sorry Mich but we can't be room mates :-( Neither can Brenda and you.
7. I have no words.
9. So sweet<3
11. So cute<3
OH. Thunder and When I'm with You are my favourites too!!! :D
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