Anyway, we (Stef, Brenda, Jiaqi and I) went for Secret and B.A.P's fanmeet on Friday, courtesy of Stef's aunt!

Both groups were awesome live and I was especially amazed at B.A.P's showmanship. Sure, they did go off-pitched at some times but credit has to be given to them, really. I was really awed by Zelo and Yong Guk (oh god I love your low voice). And Warrior really has to be the highest point of the whole fanmeet - the fanchants were incredible! The power of Singapore fangirls is definitely not one to be reckoned with. Lol.

I wasn't as excited for Secret as I was for the boys but even though I have only heard their songs just once or twice, I ended up singing along to every songs' chorus - how is that even possible?! There was an auction in the middle of their segment, for two sets of stuff (an autographed tee and a Diana Mini). And they got sold for $800 and $900. Honestly I was left agape although I knew it was for charity. But seriously... yeah you know what I mean.

Glorious hair.
Haha Stef you look a lot like your mum here.

Performance photos credits to Brenda
Went back to TP the next day to watch the TP Band Ensemble Event. It felt great to be back and everyone was super affectionate to me hahaha I must be very missable. Alumni band practice was fun - Persis and The Phantom of Opera makes Michy a tired but fulfilled French Hornist.

Forever camwhoring with Lihua haha.
Some food pictures:
There was actually shark's fin in this soup!
My favourite fish - pomfret!
My favourite dish!
My food photography makes the cut, huh?
Picture with George Yeo! He really is very nice.
And that's Yam Ah Mee! Haha definitely the highlight of the day.
I then headed over to Yiyun's place for a Harper's Island marathon. I've never watched the serial before and I really enjoyed it! I absolutely love shows that make you think. Why do you think I love crime thrillers? And so our brains worked like crazy till around 6am when we finished watching all thirteen episodes! Okay I missed three because I came late but whatever. And guess who was my favourite character?
Tadaaaahhh! No not the girl LOL my favourite's Jimmy Mance! He really gives off a 'Paul' vibe haha oh god I'm such a sucker.
And the whole morning and afternoon after that was just sleep and food. Whoever can resist food in Katong is a freaking maniac, I swear.

Took a walk to try to catch the sunrise when we finished watching the serial but the sun was already up LOL fail. Here's TK at 7am though.

And this is one of the best durian ice cream I have ever had. From Little Ice Cream Kafe. The ambience was great and they play awesome awesome songs. Hahaha.
Before I sleep, here's a song that I found last month which I haven't posted here for god knows what reason.
Oh by the way, Boys Like Girls' new single is coming out in about two months. It seems so damn far away sigh.
Alright, I have passed my stipulated bedtime. Three days of work - here I come!