More foooooooood
Awesome satay from Old Airport Road, hungry yet?
And all these jelly was made by Deanna!
Caramel popcorn by Brenda! Our stomachs are always getting pampered by these people. Of course you can't forget Nava's amazing cooking too!
Love this shot that Brenda took! "Why did the swans cross the road?"
I took this and I am really proud of it. LOL.
That's one of the many close-ups of me hahahahahaha.
Feeding the ducks.
Just putting in this pointless picture because I look really thin inside. HAHAHA.
An attempt at spelling 'JONATHAN' but it failed obviously.
Hahaha so happy.
Then the bunch of us went to send Rach, Keith and Mel off at the airport the next day (to Seoul). So excited that they are probably going to watch SHINee's comeback stage! Speaking of which, where is the damned MV, SM?!
I can't wait for Stef's and my turn to go there! But I'm still so lazy to do research because I have been gaming (just started on DC Online heh it's pretty fun). Uh well, 9th May is still pretty far away.. And when that day comes no one is gonna send us off, unless they wanna be at the airport at 6am. I can already imagine how my vlog for that part is gonna turn out.
In other news, there's gonna be 'The Youtube Stars' concert in Singapore this coming May!

I really don't know if I should go though. I like Tiffany Alvord and Jason Chen but they aren't my favourites. If only this concert consisted of Tyler Ward, Sam Tsui, Kurt Schneider or Christina Grimmie. I have a feeling that they'll come down to Singapore sooner or later though. Everyone's coming. Seriously lol.
Okay, my game's beckoning me. Hahaha be back soon!
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