Spent the day with the Poly bunch and we talked about stuff from our childhood (Pokemon, Powerpuff Girls, Power Rangers, etc.) to our future when we have kids and all. It just felt like our maturity level plunged, and came back up to an all time high. So funny that we actually discussed how we were going to raise our kids, how to discipline them, what the parents of young children are not doing right LOL I'm genuinely...impressed with myself. Hahaha okay sorry. And of course, I can't forget the super heavy workout at SCAPE playing with kinect sports. I realise we are all very competitive. Time for my healthy regime #537495 to commence! ^^
And what is the official last day of school without pictures?

M&M with the best film teacher EVER

My favourite stylist!

Jeanette's affectionate look in the top right hehehe.
Brenda fading away in the bottom left picture.
I need more Pudding camera practice.

Happy March to you and me and I hope this will be a great month! xx
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