I should probably use this post to continue updating on the stuff I've been doing since after Graduation.
The day after Graduation, Stef, Rachy, Keith, Mel, Jiaqi and I met up at Clarke Quay for K-Pop Night Out which was one of the programmes of Music Matters, a three-day event which brings performers and those in the music industry together to perform and discuss about the industry via seminars which is not open to the public (unfortunately). The performances, though are a different story and they are totally free! The venues for the performances are the main fountain stage and various bars around Clarke Quay. I went for last year's too! Read my really fangirlish experience here.
So K-Pop Night Out featured RhythmKing (an indie band), BTOB (a 7-member group), DJ Clazzi from the band Clazziquai, and many Hip-Hop artistes - J'kyun, Bizzy, M.I.B, Drunken Tiger and Yoon Mirae! Every act was impressive and I truly enjoyed all the performances!
The following weekend saw us belting out our favourite songs at Teo Heng. Mel brought her Thai friend, Queen along and we all got along really well! She told us that she took a photo with Nichkhun, earning jealous wails from Brenda hehehe.
A couple of days later, I met up with Felicia and Sziyi at Timbre@Old School. It was a short but good one - especially since there was good food and...drinks! Hehe.
Rushed off to SCAPE after that to find the Poly bunch because it was Jean's birthday and I wanted to be present even if it was only for an hour. I would have went for the hike in the afternoon (which almost everyone bailed out on lol lazy pigs) but I had to be at the hospital so.. yeah.
The next day, Rachy, Brenda and I went for Song Joongki's open press conference at Square2. I thought he was pretty boring for a host but I'm gonna attribute it to fatigue because the poor dude did look a little tired. Photos below taken from Brenda's Tumblr!
Read an article that Rachy wrote about the event here!
On Wednesday, we had a mini farewell gathering for Queen at Mulligan's at Clarke Quay. It was a great night filled with banters, games where we all felt comfortable with each other. And the drinks there weren't that strong either lol none of us felt tipsy or anything.
The next day was the premiere of SMTown's I AM.
It was a nice movie though I felt disappointed with the exclusion of some of the SM artistes - notably Kangta (okay he did have screen time but I felt he deserved more), SJ's Henry and Zhoumi, CSJH and TRAX. I particularly enjoyed the SHINee parts for obvious reasons (absolutely loved it that there was 2Min in there) and the parts where the dancing machines, Taemin, Yunho and Eunhyuk would dance alongside their younger self. Ryeowook's segment made me cry and I'm not even a Super Junior fan, eesh. The movie was very well-paced and it gave the audience a lot of insight into the artistes minds and feelings. Okay I shall not turn this into a movie review although I have a burning desire to.
The audience was nothing short of annoying and there was this girl sitting two seats behind agitating the crap out of me with her incessant shouts and screams of 'Jonghyun oppa!' whenever he appeared on screen. And the fanchants for SNSD's Genie was really scary lol I wonder if anyone took an audio recording of all those guys chanting...
I'm refraining from writing a movie review yet again so I'd just like to say that it is a really good movie which gives the audience something to reflect about. I thought about what I would like to do if I only had 24 hours to live - I'd like to spend my last second on stage, performing. Haha so cliché. But whatever.
The next afternoon, after less than two hours of sleep, I satisfied my craving for Ampang Yong Tau Foo near Brenda's place! ^^
This has been an amazingly long update. Hope I didn't bore you. My next post will probably be on some new music that has just been released. Be back real soon!!
The day after Graduation, Stef, Rachy, Keith, Mel, Jiaqi and I met up at Clarke Quay for K-Pop Night Out which was one of the programmes of Music Matters, a three-day event which brings performers and those in the music industry together to perform and discuss about the industry via seminars which is not open to the public (unfortunately). The performances, though are a different story and they are totally free! The venues for the performances are the main fountain stage and various bars around Clarke Quay. I went for last year's too! Read my really fangirlish experience here.
So K-Pop Night Out featured RhythmKing (an indie band), BTOB (a 7-member group), DJ Clazzi from the band Clazziquai, and many Hip-Hop artistes - J'kyun, Bizzy, M.I.B, Drunken Tiger and Yoon Mirae! Every act was impressive and I truly enjoyed all the performances!
The lead singer, BumKey, has sick sick falsetto notes!
Performing 'Irresistible Lips' live for the very first time!
J'kyun. He was really funny but I wasn't entertained much. Was trying to figure what he was trying to say most of the time.
DJ Clazzi. Was a little bored at this point of time since I am not a fan of club tunes.
Joint stage with Bizzy, Drunken Tiger and Yoon Mirae. It was insaneeee!
The following weekend saw us belting out our favourite songs at Teo Heng. Mel brought her Thai friend, Queen along and we all got along really well! She told us that she took a photo with Nichkhun, earning jealous wails from Brenda hehehe.
A couple of days later, I met up with Felicia and Sziyi at Timbre@Old School. It was a short but good one - especially since there was good food and...drinks! Hehe.
Buffalo wings! Argh I love these so much.
Duck pizza. Gahh I'm hungry.
My Mojito. Wasn't as satisfactory as the one I had before. Too much vodka me thinks.
Sigh my red face.
Rushed off to SCAPE after that to find the Poly bunch because it was Jean's birthday and I wanted to be present even if it was only for an hour. I would have went for the hike in the afternoon (which almost everyone bailed out on lol lazy pigs) but I had to be at the hospital so.. yeah.
The next day, Rachy, Brenda and I went for Song Joongki's open press conference at Square2. I thought he was pretty boring for a host but I'm gonna attribute it to fatigue because the poor dude did look a little tired. Photos below taken from Brenda's Tumblr!
Read an article that Rachy wrote about the event here!
Random toilet pic.
On Wednesday, we had a mini farewell gathering for Queen at Mulligan's at Clarke Quay. It was a great night filled with banters, games where we all felt comfortable with each other. And the drinks there weren't that strong either lol none of us felt tipsy or anything.
So cute!
Picture credits to Mel.

The audience was nothing short of annoying and there was this girl sitting two seats behind agitating the crap out of me with her incessant shouts and screams of 'Jonghyun oppa!' whenever he appeared on screen. And the fanchants for SNSD's Genie was really scary lol I wonder if anyone took an audio recording of all those guys chanting...
The weekend was a pretty good one as my Poly bunch (oh god I keep seeing the same people) spent our time together before the guys enlist - although there were a few missing ones. We had a BBQ which turned out to be a not-so-surprise-two-weeks-early-birthday celebration for Brenda, which her mum organised. And we were all supposed to be in the act as well which honestly wasn't very difficult because... I don't know I guess we have good poker faces. Hahaha!
Had a pretty heavy workout in the form of Just Dance 3 and trying to learn the choreography for EXO's History with Keith! We ended thenight early morning with two Japanese movies - Battle Royale and Death Notice (Ikigami). Seriously, how the Japanese come up with these kind of psychological thrillers and concepts is beyond me. I much preferred Ikigami over Battle Royale because the latter was just really twisted.
In Ikigami, all Japanese students receive an inoculation in first grade. A small percentage of these inoculations includes a nano capsule which via radio-control will kill the receiver somewhere between the ages of 18-24. The government believes that the threat of unexpected death will increase prosperity and productivity in its citizens. These unfortunate citizens are given 24 hour notification of their impending death. These notifications are known as "ikigami". Kengo Fujimoto is an Ikigami delivery man, and he tells the stories of three individuals he had to deliver the death notices to.
Below is my favourite part of the movie - also the scene which made me cry like a baby.
Part of the Awfully Chocolate cake.
Had a pretty heavy workout in the form of Just Dance 3 and trying to learn the choreography for EXO's History with Keith! We ended the
In Ikigami, all Japanese students receive an inoculation in first grade. A small percentage of these inoculations includes a nano capsule which via radio-control will kill the receiver somewhere between the ages of 18-24. The government believes that the threat of unexpected death will increase prosperity and productivity in its citizens. These unfortunate citizens are given 24 hour notification of their impending death. These notifications are known as "ikigami". Kengo Fujimoto is an Ikigami delivery man, and he tells the stories of three individuals he had to deliver the death notices to.
Below is my favourite part of the movie - also the scene which made me cry like a baby.
I'm refraining from writing a movie review yet again so I'd just like to say that it is a really good movie which gives the audience something to reflect about. I thought about what I would like to do if I only had 24 hours to live - I'd like to spend my last second on stage, performing. Haha so cliché. But whatever.
The next afternoon, after less than two hours of sleep, I satisfied my craving for Ampang Yong Tau Foo near Brenda's place! ^^
Ahh hungry again.
This has been an amazingly long update. Hope I didn't bore you. My next post will probably be on some new music that has just been released. Be back real soon!!
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