All Time Low released their newest single which is off their upcoming record, and the best thing? It was up for free download from their official website! Still is, I reckon.
Absolutely loving the song! Definitely different from the songs in their Dirty Work album - one can't help but wonder if it is because they are not under a major label anymore (they recently left Interscope Records which is part of Universal Music and Dirty Work was the only album they released within their two years under the label). Somehow I tend to appreciate songs produced by them when they are under a small or independent label. It feels as if it is music that they REALLY want to make, and that they are not writing songs just so it fits into the 'mainstream' category. The Reckless and The Brave is one such example, where the lyrics are much more mature compared to lines like "Everybody gettin' kinda crunk, I think some dude just grabbed my junk..." Yeah. I can't deny that I love the music video for that song though. Hahaha.
The next awesome song release has gotta be Big Bang's Monster!
Ignore the uber weird concept of their costumes - okay actually just GD and Taeyang's hair (someone just bring back the mohawk, please) - this is a great song and I could remember the hook in the chorus after just one listen! Really loving the piano introduction and riffs as well. I would go on but you know what? I'll just leave you with a review done by eatyourkimchi aka Simon and Martina! If you haven't heard of them, do definitely check them out because their reviews are always so entertaining and, and... argh just watch.
I had a pleasant surprise when I saw new GIFs of the B1A4 boys seemingly from a new music video. So I went to check it out and it turned out to be the music video of the Japanese version of Beautiful Target!
I'm liking the music video more than the Korean version because this one has more of a story line. No fireman Baro, newscaster Gongchan, pilot CNU, judge Sandeul, prisoner Jinyoung or sprout dances in here - just them being adorable and Jinyoung trying all sorts of perfume potions on them in his bid to find the perfect love potion for the girl he has a crush on. Oh, did you see that Chanro (yes that is my pairing name for Baro and Gongchan) interaction at the end of the video?! My passion for them has reignited once again. And I honestly started smiling to myself when I saw Baro wearing the same cap that I bought from Seoul!

Anyway, the Euro fever is back! Yes I'm talking about football here! As expected, I'm rooting for Spain all the way!

David Villa is not gonna be playing due to an injury unfortunately, but this Euro 2012 team is still a stellar one and I am very happy that Torres scored against South Korea. We need El Niño! And El Niño is back, and he is staying! P.S. Pique needs a shave, badly.
I'm also very happy because I get to see more Sernando (that's Sergio Ramos and Fernando Torres for those of you who don't know - yes there are pairings in football too...)

Sigh. :)
Also, in related news, Ramos recently cut his hair, and he looks amazing! I was surprised though because he said that his hair was his lucky charm so I'm wondering why he cut it right before something as big as the Euros. No matter though, just make sure all of you haters don't blame any Spain match loss on him! /touchwood/

Thank you for cutting off your locks.
Alright enough fangirling. I'm just gonna do some shameless promotion. Below is my cover of Teen Top's newest single, To You! Hope you dig it!
Goodnight! x
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