Since I won a pair of tickets, I got Stef to go with me.
*For those who do not know, all the artistes were supposed to attend the after party but Teen Top and SHINee had to leave right after the concert. B1A4 did not go as well – probably because they were too tired to.*
Upon reaching the club, we were served drinks (something else that I was pleasantly surprised at) which we gladly accepted. However, after what seemed like eternity, none of the artistes seemed to be arriving so we went onto the dance floor to relieve ourselves of boredom. Why not, right?
After hitting the dance floor for an hour or so, I noticed four really tall guys walking into the club and I kind of wondered if they were members of rookie group, I could not confirm, of course, since I did not go for the concert and although I did watch one of their Music Bank performances… let’s just say that they looked really different without make-up – still handsome nonetheless!
It apparently took a while for the fact that there were K-Pop idols standing just a few feet away to sink in to the other contest winners as well. Of course, it was not long before camera flashes and requests to take photos with the four extremely tall men filled our area. I managed to snap a couple of pictures and helped Stef take a picture with Jo Hun and Haeng Hun before security took them away to the ‘Members’ section of the club. Everyone was naturally confused and all of us were thinking the exact same thing: “Is that all?”
Jong Hyun partying hard LOL.
Are those couple rings or something?
Our worries were unfounded though when the staff assured us that they will definitely let us meet them up close. We were eventually brought into a really nice and quiet room and we took turns to interact with the artistes in pairs. It was the most peaceful meet and greet that I have ever seen and everyone was relaxed (or so like it seemed). were first and they came in with bright smiles on their faces, greeting and bowing to everyone in the room before settling down to get ready for the meet-and-greet session. They were really polite – standing up from their seats to greet every pair with warm handshakes and genuine smiles. I decided to greet them in Korean (it is only normal, no?) and that earned me a “woah” from them. It amused me further when Jo Hun asked me where I was from. They were obviously not the most fluent in English, but their attempts were commendable!
After taking a couple of photos with them, each of them initiated hugs with us which made us really happy, of course. I told Jong Hyun that he looked really handsome, to which he replied enthusiastically, “Oh! Thank you!” I was really startled when Eung Joo stood in front of me because he was really towering over me. I unintentionally muttered that he was really tall and all he did was smile back and snicker bemusedly. It really was a short but good few minutes with them, albeit the fact that we did not ask for autographs. We really should have.
Haeng Hun saying bye.
Anyway, Jay Park was brought into the room next and of course we had no problem conversing with him. A fan greeted him with a “good morning” only to have him reply jokingly, “What? Morning? Are you drunk?” which ended up with fans retorting that it was indeed morning since it was already past 12am. It felt like we were hanging out with a friend instead of a Star (oh see what I did there?) whose album peaked at number 4 on the Billboard World Album charts.
Jay turning back perpetually to accede to fans' requests to take photos of him. And if the camera used had flash, he'd whine about how it hurt his eyes. Hahaha!
This time, I made sure that we got autographs so immediately after taking our photos, I asked him if he could sign for us and he got down to it after he answered, “of course” in his oh-so-sexy accent. He was really nice to greet us again by our names after we introduced ourselves. God knows why we did not do that in the beginning. Not that it mattered though.
Once the last pair’s turn was over, Jay turned back and said his last goodbyes, and sportingly posed for photos for a couple of seconds before going back to where he came from, no doubt for more partying.
It was a tad disappointing that B1A4 was not present because everyone had expected them to be there. I even brought my ‘Ignition’ album there in hopes that they could sign it. I also kind of prepared stuff to say to Baro… *inserts relevant meme*
Nevertheless, it was definitely an experience to remember and I’d like to extend my thanks to Radio 1003 for the opportunity and KU DÉ TA for the warm treatment and for organising the after party for the fans.
Please do not take out photos/edit without permission. Photos with artistes courtesy of KU DÉ TA Singapore.
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