Sunday, October 27, 2013


I'm going to attempt to write this post in Mandarin. Hahahaha I might give up halfway. Here goes nothing.

昨晚去看了S.H.E 2GETHER 4EVER 演唱会... 真的是感触良多。3年没见,其实也不是很长的时间。可是那时间对粉丝真的是一个漫长的等待。

配着 live band,《SHERO》开始的时候,全场一起喊:“S-H-E-R-O”,我的鸡皮疙瘩全出来了。还有,当电脑控制的荧光棒在复歌的部分换颜色的时候,真的让我十分惊喜!超美的!

3个半小时的演唱会,简直唱到疯,笑到爆,也哭得稀里哗啦的。我在第四首歌《远方》已经开始流眼泪了啦!还有,这个Selina真的是爱哭,一直弄得我跟着一起哭。《梦》唱到一半就唱不下去:“这是我唱这首歌最早哭的,很抱歉。要听完整版,请大家去听CD啦!” 哈哈!接下来三个人一起唱《花都开好了》又哭!全场一起帮S.H.E唱,真是温馨。

《魔力》的时候,体育场被分成三组,看哪一组唱得比较大声。Selina 的组赢了,所以我们都变成‘任奶奶’的人。太好玩了!还有,全场的荧光棒都被关掉,剩下全场的手机的绿灯(我们放了贴纸)。三个女生都很惊讶:“好像萤火虫哦!”

Taken from Ella's Facebook page.

E+S: /讲无聊的东西/
E (to Hebe): 你是来做客的是吗?
H: 新加坡很好啊...
E+S+全场: /哭笑不得/

3个半小时真的有太多笑话了,一时之间真的记不起。可是,她们好像是唯一可以在台上讲拉肚子,放屁,‘奶’,的东西吧。Ella的英文也让我们笑翻了,不愧是S.H.E的开心果!Hebe真的唱到爽。她的假音超赞的。当然,三个人用了嗓子和超棒的合音唱了34首歌。整个演唱会太完美了- 是我2013年去过最好的。


Sunday, October 20, 2013

Someday things will be perfect

Friday was almost perfect. I felt like the luckiest fangirl in the world really. Got to have my own personal time twice with my favourite band and it really didn't matter that for the second time I had to wait for them till 4am. I'm not going to write a whole fan account about my encounter with the boys because it'd be a freaking essay, and some things are better just kept in my head.

Their set at the ION Fashion Concert was really amazing. I cried again ok. Haha! Acoustic versions are totally their thing. And what a bonus when Martin sang snippets of some demos and songs never performed before. Super cool. 

Paul stop it omg.

Didn't manage to get a pick during their gig itself but the guitar tech was being really nice and I got one from him.

Morgan gives great hugs. No picture with John at their hotel because of.. circumstances that I should probably keep to myself. HAHA.

The next three consecutive weekends will be occupied with S.H.E, JJ Lin and MBC Korean Music Wave. So busy. Hahaha!