Monday, November 1, 2010


I'm gonna try to refrain from using vulgarities.

Seriously, I've had enough with you. How can anyone be so narrow-minded and insensitive? I have been putting up with you but you never annoyed me as badly as today. Just three sentences from you and I swear I could have shouted at you. Was my expression not obvious enough? I was already feeling bad and you had to rub it in. I really wanted to strangle you but I did not want to dirty my hands.

I don't think I've ever been this angry since Poly started. Sorry to everyone who had to see it. :/

The next time you ever talk to me, you'd better watch your words. The next time I get angry at you, I'm gonna blow, and I will not care how many people are around me at that time.

Not joking.

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