Monday, February 25, 2013

Maybe Tonight

Because I haven't updated this space in more than a month. And because assignments suck.
Just a round-up of February so far. I was also quite happy this month because I got to use my 650D a lot. Hehe.

1) Sent my friends off to Perth (cue obligatory sentence on how much I'm missing them).
2) Had a great CNY.
3) Covered Kim Jong Kook's Fan meet for Dinoseoul.
4) Went for The Summer State's EP Launch (+ getting to see Trick for the third time + having a nice talk with one of the members, Marc + seeing Harold there and catching up with him).
5) SHINee made their comeback and I absolutely love it.
6) I broke 950 subscribers on YouTube. Yay!

I've got so much of shit due this week it's not even funny. On another note, I absolutely can't wait to do the filming for my group's first production in Chapman! Being Director of Photography is quite stressful though. Ahh. I shall do a proper update after all my assignments are over (before Hong Kong, hopefully)!

Ending off this post with some photos from the CNY period. Have a good last three days of February y'all!

Haiyo my Kaelyn ah why so cute?!

Full maternal family photo. The adults were all so excited about my camera I don't even. Lol.

Female cousins on the paternal side.


At Nigel's housewarming.

Okay, back to work. Sobs.

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