Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I'm Sorry

Hello mum,

I'm sorry for being a failure.

(you guys may have seen some of these on Twitter but they are relevant so..yeah)

I'm sorry that I only got straight As and not A+s for PSLE.
I'm sorry that I only got 10 and not below 10 for my L1R5.
I'm sorry that my GPA for each semester is improving.
I'm sorry that I suck at theory exams no matter how much I study.
I'm sorry that I''m only good at technical stuff.
I'm sorry that I didn't want to go to one of them prestigious secondary schools and went to a full-express stream neighbourhood school where I spent the best four years of my life at because I wanted to join TK Band.
I'm sorry that I went to Temasek Poly instead of Temasek JC because I wanted to join CMM.
I'm sorry that in my entire life I've only taken up leadership roles of Class Monitor, Prefect, Councillor, Band Major, Section Leader, Librarian and Band President.
I'm sorry that most of my teachers like me.
I'm sorry that my Mathematics in primary school improved from a fail to A.
I'm sorry that my E Math improved from B4 to A2.
I'm sorry that my A Math improved from E8 to B3.
I'm sorry that my Physics improved from C6 to B3.
I'm sorry that I topped my class in English most of the time.
I'm sorry that I got an A1 for Chinese and I decided to drop Higher Chinese because I wasn't going to need it.
I'm sorry that the only subject in which I can get a 'Z' in Poly is Music CDS.
I'm sorry that I got A for Journalism in mid-sem.
I'm sorry that I only got B+ for Audio Production because I was not creative enough.
I'm sorry that Mr Guo went easy on me for Audio Production and Radio Production skills tests because he knew I was going to ace both anyway. (actually I think he went easy on everyone lol whatever)
I'm sorry that I love music.
I'm sorry that I do household chores often.
I'm sorry that I that I don't live up to your expectations.

What are they? I can't even see them because they stretch all the way the Mars.

Pfft, seriously. Enough of this crap alright just accept that I am naturally not as good at theory as I am at technical work. You honestly think I don't study? Yeah okay I suppose I wrote all my notes in my sleep.
I'll never be like my clever JC friends and I'll forever be a stupid useless piece of shit okay. I wish you had stayed in Perth until I was born and leave me there for someone else to find me...or not.

Either way, I'd be happier.

Yeah anyway check out my latest cover, '0330' by U-Kiss. Did this a while back but only finished editing it recently. Your take on it?

Haha talk about shameless promoting.


Unknown said...

Wow! Your singing is really good... I really love how you pronounce your Korean so well. I am a fellow singer and I am thinking to make covers like you, but I am too shy.. and I'm a Kpopper as well too ^^ I am like all-the-way YG. So yeah. I haven't mentioned about your Lonely and Ugly covers? Oh well they were PERFECTO!! Your voice + perfect Korean + emotions = perfect cover. Hwaiting and Daebak!

Michy said...

Haha hello Jackie! Thank you, though I'm not sure why you decided to comment on such an emo post :P
Fighting to you too! :)